In the north east of India, in the village of Phalee, the local community founded the Phalee Biodiversity Observatory Station. The station documents and monitors rainforest species.
The power of citizen science in restoration in India
- Phalee
- Phalee
Deforestation, driven by agriculture and demand for firewood, has severely degraded the Mizoram-Manipur-Kachin rainforest surrounding Phalee.
- Phalee
In partnership with the local village authorities, community associations, and school students, the team at the Phalee Biodiversity Observatory Station is working to conserve and restore the region’s biodiversity.
- Phalee
This includes planting native saplings to regenerate the indigenous rainforest habitat.
- Phalee
The regrowth of the forest has regenerated vital ecosystem services, increased biodiversity, and provides sustainable livelihoods for local communities.