243 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing Arid Recovery Reserve.

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Abutilon cryptopetalum
Abutilon fraseri
Abutilon leucopetalumEdible products: Root
Abutilon malvifolium
Abutilon otocarpumEdible products: Seeds
Alternanthera angustifolia
Amaranthus mitchelliiEdible products: Seeds, Leaves
Amyema maideniiEdible products: Fruit
Amyema miraculosaEdible products: Fruit
Amyema preissiiEdible products: Fruit
Amyema quandangEdible products: Fruit
Anemocarpa podolepidium
Arabidella nasturtium
Arabidella trisecta
Aristida anthoxanthoides
Aristida arida
Aristida capillifolia
Aristida contorta
Aristida holathera
Aristida nitidula
Astrebla lappaceaEdible products: Leaves, Seeds, Cereal
Astrebla pectinataEdible products: Seeds, Cereal
Atriplex angulataEdible products: Seeds
Atriplex fissivalvis