47 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing Ecowisata Mangrove Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kota Jakarta Utara.

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Acanthus ilicifoliusHoly MangroveConservation status: Least concern LC
Amorphophallus paeoniifoliusEdible products: Tuber, Roots, Corm, Leaves, Leaf stalks, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Asplenium nidusEdible products: Leaves, Fronds
Cyperus mindorensis
Elephantopus scaberEdible products: Leaves, Root - tea
Grangea maderaspatanaEdible products: LeavesConservation status: Least concern LC
Ipomoea pes-capraeBeach Morning GloryEdible products: Roots, Leaves, Leaf stalks, Vegetable, Plant - teaConservation status: Least concern LC
Laportea aestuansEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable
Microsorum punctatumEdible products: Leaves, Fronds
Musa acuminataWild BananaEdible products: Fruit, Flowers, Flower stalk, StemConservation status: Least concern LC
Nephrolepis biserrataEdible products: Roots, Fronds, Rhizome, Vegetable, Leaves
Ottelia alismoidesDuck-LettuceEdible products: Leaves as condiment, Spice, Fruit, Flower stalks, Flowers, Seeds, Stems - teaConservation status: Least concern LC
Scindapsus pictus
Torenia crustaceaConservation status: Least concern LC
Volkameria inermisEdible products: Fruit