25 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing huiran toh.
When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.
Abelmoschus esculentusEdible products: Pods, Flowers, Seeds, Leaves, Vegetable
Drosera indicaIndian SundewEdible products: Sap, Plant - teaConservation status: Least concern LC
Fimbristylis quinquangularisConservation status: Least concern LC
Ixora coccineaEdible products: Fruit, Flowers - flavouring
Leucas asperaEdible products: Leaves, Twigs, Flower
Musa acuminataWild BananaEdible products: Fruit, Flowers, Flower stalk, StemConservation status: Least concern LC
Nymphaea nouchaliBlue LotusEdible products: Rhizome, Root, Flowers, SeedsConservation status: Least concern LC
Ottelia alismoidesDuck-LettuceEdible products: Leaves as condiment, Spice, Fruit, Flower stalks, Flowers, Seeds, Stems - teaConservation status: Least concern LC