4 trees and shrubs are observed in the region containing Clifton Urban Forest

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Cordia sinensisEdible products: Fruit, Root, Gum, LeavesConservation status: Least concern LCBark thickness: 1.88 mmRoot depth: 3 mStem conduit diameter: 51.22 μmStem diameter: 0.62 mTree height: 24 mWood density: 0.39 gdry · cmwet−3
Grewia tenaxEdible products: Fruit, Seeds, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LCBark thickness: 1.82 mmRoot depth: 2.7 mStem conduit diameter: 46.3 μmStem diameter: 1.32 mTree height: 10 mWood density: 0.62 gdry · cmwet−3
Populus euphraticaEuphrates PoplarConservation status: Least concern LCBark thickness: 1.05 mmRoot depth: 22.15 mStem conduit diameter: 31.46 μmStem diameter: 2.1 mTree height: 57.91 mWood density: 0.4 gdry · cmwet−3
Prosopis cinerariaEdible products: Fruit, Pods, Bark, Seeds, Leaves, GumBark thickness: 4.96 mmRoot depth: 20 mStem conduit diameter: 57.04 μmStem diameter: 0.89 mTree height: 18 mWood density: 0.65 gdry · cmwet−3