179 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing baza.

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Acalypha ciliataEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable
Acalypha indicaEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable
Asparagus africanusEdible products: Shoots, Root, Seed, Fruit
Boerhavia diffusa
Celosia argenteaEdible products: Leaves, Seeds - oil, Vegetable, Flowers, TeaConservation status: Least concern LC
Cenchrus ciliarisBuffalo GrassEdible products: Seeds, CerealConservation status: Least concern LC
Chloris gayana
Cissus quadrangularisEdible products: Leaves, Stems, Fruit, Seeds - oil
Cissus rotundifoliaEdible products: Root, Leaves, Fruit, Spice, Vegetable
Coccinia grandisEdible products: Leaves, Fruit, Tubers, Root, Vegetable, Seeds
Commelina benghalensisDay FlowerEdible products: Leaves, Rhizome, Roots, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Commelina diffusaClimbing DayflowerEdible products: Leaves, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Corchorus trilocularisEdible products: Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable
Crotalaria incanaEdible products: Leaves
Cyperus distansSlender CyperusEdible products: Root, Tuber, Rhizome, Ash - saltConservation status: Least concern LC
Cyperus papyrusPapyrus SedgeEdible products: Rhizome, Root, Culms, Stems, Shoots, Vegetable, SpiceConservation status: Least concern LC
Cyperus rotundusNutgrassEdible products: Tubers, Seeds, Roots, Rhizomes, CulmsConservation status: Least concern LC
Digitaria velutinaEdible products: Plant
Eragrostis cilianensisEdible products: Seeds, Cereal
Gloriosa superbaFlame LilyConservation status: Least concern LC
Gomphocarpus fruticosus
Indigofera spicata
Indigofera tinctoriaEdible products: Leaves - dye
Jasminum fluminenseEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable