141 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing Macaya Park.

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Acrostichum aureumGolden Leather FernEdible products: Shoots, Roots, Fronds, Leaves, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Adiantum capillus-venerisMaidenhair FernConservation status: Least concern LC
Ananas comosusEdible products: Fruit, Shoots, Vegetable
Andropogon virginicusBroomsedge BluestemConservation status: Least concern LC
Argemone mexicana
Asclepias curassavica
Bidens pilosaEdible products: Leaves, Leaves - tea, Seeds, Flowers - tea, Vegetable
Bromelia pinguinEdible products: Leaves, Fruit, Flowers
Caladium bicolor
Callisia repens
Canna indicaEdible products: Fruit, Root, Rhizome, Tubers, Vegetable, Flowers
Cardiospermum halicacabumBalloon vineEdible products: Leaves, Seeds, Fruit, Stems, TeaConservation status: Least concern LC
Cenchrus longispinusEdible products: Seeds, Cereal
Centratherum punctatum
Cissampelos pareira
Commelina diffusaClimbing DayflowerEdible products: Leaves, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Crotalaria incanaEdible products: Leaves
Cyperus compressusPoorland flatsedgeEdible products: Rhizomes, Root, TuberConservation status: Least concern LC
Cyperus rotundusNutgrassEdible products: Tubers, Seeds, Roots, Rhizomes, CulmsConservation status: Least concern LC
Dieffenbachia seguineEdible products: Fruit, Stem starch
Distimake quinquefolius
Drymaria cordataEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable, Root
Eclipta prostrataFalse daisyEdible products: Herb, Leaves, Roots, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Eleocharis geniculataSpike RushConservation status: Least concern LC