213 trees and shrubs are observed in the region containing Macaya Park

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Guaiacum officinaleCommoner Lignum VitaeEdible products: Resin - flavouring, FruitConservation status: Endangered ENBark thickness: 5.63 mmRoot depth: 1.1 mStem conduit diameter: 34.72 μmStem diameter: 1.26 mTree height: 15.24 mWood density: 1.1 gdry · cmwet−3
Pinus occidentalisHispaniolan PineConservation status: Endangered ENBark thickness: 45 mmRoot depth: 3.87 mStem conduit diameter: 13.31 μmStem diameter: 0.41 mTree height: 33.5 mWood density: 0.52 gdry · cmwet−3