81 herbs and other plants observed in the region containing La Ramada.

When available, local botanical tools generally provide more accurate and locally-tailored outputs than this machine-learning derived selection. A list of such resources for specific regions is available here.

Asclepias curassavica
Azolla filiculoides
Begonia cucullataEdible products: Leaves, Rhizomes
Bidens pilosaEdible products: Leaves, Leaves - tea, Seeds, Flowers - tea, Vegetable
Canna indicaEdible products: Fruit, Root, Rhizome, Tubers, Vegetable, Flowers
Cardiospermum grandiflorumEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable
Castilleja arvensis
Cerastium arvenseConservation status: Least concern LC
Cestrum parquiGreen CestrumConservation status: Least concern LC
Cortaderia selloanaEdible products: Unsure
Cyperus eragrostisTall flatsedgeEdible products: Tubers, Tubers - coffee, RootConservation status: Least concern LC
Cyperus esculentusYellow NutsedgeEdible products: Tubers, Oil, Bulb, Vegetable, RootConservation status: Least concern LC
Desmodium incanumEdible products: Leaves - tea
Dolichandra unguis-catiEdible products: Roots
Dysphania ambrosioidesEdible products: Leaves - tea, Seeds, Herb, Spice, Leaves
Eclipta prostrataFalse daisyEdible products: Herb, Leaves, Roots, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Elephantopus mollisEdible products: Leaves - tea
Euphorbia heterophyllaConservation status: Least concern LC
Euphorbia hirtaEdible products: Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Vegetable, Tea
Fuchsia magellanicaEdible products: Fruit
Galinsoga parvifloraEdible products: Leaves, Vegetable, Flower shoots
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesEdible products: LeavesConservation status: Least concern LC
Ipomoea albaMoonflowerEdible products: Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Roots, Calyces, VegetableConservation status: Least concern LC
Ipomoea indicaEdible products: Leaves - tea, Leaves